5 Steps to Creating the Perfect Prayer List

January 14, 2019 0 Comment

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Central Text:

1 Thessalonians 5:17- pray without ceasing.

Hello Dear Readers,

Do you sometimes struggle with finding a reason to pray about?

Does your mind go blank when you get on your knees to pray? Or are you tired of praying about the same things over and over?

I know I have experienced each of these things.

The Bible instructs us to “pray without ceasing”, yet sometimes there’s a struggle to just find one reason to pray.

Luckily, I found the perfect solution to this problem: Making a Prayer List.

Having a prayer list has helped me overcome even the worse case of “prayer’s block” (yes, I totally made that term up).

I have made many prayer lists in my walk with Christ, but I found that there are 5 steps to making a perfect prayer list; one that won’t ever leave me (or you) struggling for more reasons to pray.

Before getting into these 5 steps I wanted to let you know that I have created a prayer list journal available to be purchased here so that you can apply these five steps. Get yours today!

What are these 5 Steps?

1. Make a Prayer Journal


Prayer is probably the most essential part of a Christian’s life.

This is why your prayer life must be treated as a priority.

The best way to do this is to have a prayer journal.

Your prayer list has to have a designated spot.

If you have your prayer list in a random place, you are very likely to lose it or forget where you wrote it.

Prayer journals are extremely helpful with reminding you of reasons to pray for and marking your progress with prayer.

It is important for you to

Tip: Create Your Prayer Journal Where it Is Most Convenient For You


Not all prayer journals have to be notebooks.

Make your prayer journal something that you are actually going to use.

What I mean by this is, you can make a prayer journal in your phone, on your computer, or your tablet.

Whatever is most convenient for you to use.

Just create a folder in your device called “Prayer Journal” and enter your lists in there.

2.Create Your Categories 

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The first step you should take when creating the perfect prayer list is to create different categories.

The categories are very helpful so that you’re not stuck praying about the same thing all the time.

Categories also help you to cover many different areas.

In my personal prayer list I have six main categories. Here are some examples of what each category is and what I list under them:

  • My People– Family, Friends, Coworkers, and Classmates
  • Countries– Different countries all over the world
  • Lost Souls– People who have strayed away from God or have not accepted Christ
  • Church– Members of my church home, the Church of Christ
  • Personal– My finances, work, school, my goals
  • Prayer Requests – Any requests I receive from other people to pray for

This is just how I set up my prayer list.

You can set up your list to have as many categories as you want or if you’d like you can use the same categories I use.

Tip: Have a Separate Page for Each Category 

Giving each category its own page will give you enough space to write everything you would like under that category.

3. Give a One-Word Reason to each Person or Item on your Lists


Listing different people or items under each category is not enough.

You have to ask yourself “Why am I praying for them/this?”

This is important because having specific reasons for each person or thing listed will prevent you from blanking out on what to pray for.

If you write “Mom” under your “Family” category, you will be likely to not know what to pray for your mom about after a couple of days.

Simply having a name is too broad.

Think deeply about the needs of the people or things you have in your prayer list and summarize them in one-word reasons to write next to them as a reminder on your list.

For example, let’s say you do have your mom on your list.

Right now your mom is going through some financial trouble and she might lose her house.

You would write the word “house” or “finances” or any word that reminds you of the situation next to your mom’s name on the list so that you know to pray for that when praying about your mom.

Tip: You Can Put More Than One Reason Next To Each Item On Your List. 

The more reasons you put down, the more you will remember to pray about.

4. Research


Find Reasons if You Don’t Have Them

Sometimes there are categories on your prayer list that you need to know more about to be able to give a reason to pray for it.

For example, in my category “Countries” I need to educate myself on what are the different countries in the world and keep up to date with world news to know the situations those countries are going through.

In this case I would have to do this step before step 3 (one-word reasons) because I don’t know many reasons off the top of my head to pray for countries.

Check Up On The People Who Surround You

Have conversation with the people in your life and stay updated on their lives.

Genuinely ask how they are and if there is anything you can help them with or pray about.

This is obviously not to be nosy or gossip, but instead to keep them and their situations covered in prayer.

Tip: Use the Internet & Social Media 

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Now a days if you want to know something you can just google it. 

As simple as that.

Search the internet for news on the world or anything else on your prayer list you want to find out about.

Use social media like Facebook or Instagram to see what’s going on in your friends’  and family’s life.

These methods will help with adding reasons to your prayer list.

5. Continually Update Your Lists


Once you’ve done your research, add more items and people to your list.

There is always a new person that comes to your mind, something new happening in the News, or new prayer requests from people.

Write these down! 

What makes a perfect prayer list is adding more to it every time you can!

As the central text says: “Pray without ceasing.”

To maintain ourselves always praying, we have to always find more reasons to pray.

Prayer list are not meant to be short, there are way too many reasons in this world to pray for.

Remember: Have Separate Pages for Each Category

Giving each category ample space allows for you to keep adding to them.

The Reasons to Pray About are Endless. 

Although sometimes we get “prayer’s block”, we cannot stop praying.

Prayer lists are key in overcoming “prayer’s block.”

Following these 5 steps will help you create an ongoing prayer list that will not only help you remember reasons to pray, but also discover more reasons, and increase how much you pray daily.

Want to get started as soon as possible? 

Get yourself a Prayer List Journal here!

      It includes: 

    • 7 Pre-made Categories 
    • 3 Blank Spaces for your own categories
    • 10 pages in between each category for ample space to make lists and continously update them

Moving Forward 

If you liked this post and want to learn more information and strategies for Spiritual Growth through the Seven Areas of Spiritual Growth , join the RTK Newsletter below! 

The next post coming up is one you will not want to miss! 

This Thursday 1/17/19, “The 4 Step Process to Getting Rid of Unwanted Thoughts”, will be posted. 

If you want to learn how I overcame Negative Thoughts against God be sure to come back and give that a read!

While you wait for that, 

Here’s a Question: What categories are you thinking of adding to your prayer list and why? 

Let me know in the comments below!

Until Next Time.

God Bless,



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